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European Space Exploration strategy 2030 workshop announcement

SME4Space informs:

Dear Madam/Sir,

We are pleased to announce that SME4Space and Eurospace are organising on request of ESA a working session with industry to review the key aspects of the future European Space Exploration strategy, looking to 2030 and beyond.

Please download and read the workshop announcement letter of ESA here.

This invitation-only event will take place online on June 21-22 2021. The detailed programme will be finalised in the coming months.

The event will offer many possibilities for direct ESA-industry exchanges on the essential topics that underscore the elaboration of an ambitious European space exploration strategy in the medium to long term. These topics will include the articulation of the three main destinations (LEO/Moon/Mars), the identification of benefits (scientific, economic, societal, political, …), the high-level technological needs and expectations, the emergence of a suitable eco-system and the identification of showstoppers, criticalities or fundamental enablers.

In order to prepare the workshop discussions a survey is available online for all supply chain stakeholders to share their individual views with ESA.

Take the survey here

The survey and the workshop are co-organised and co-managed by SME4Space and Eurospace, and aim at collecting the widest possible array of interests and concerns. The survey will also provide the means to identify and select particularly interesting or stimulating viewpoints and suggest potential candidates for workshop speakers in the context of dedicated sessions and/or keynote speeches.

Entities having completed the survey will have priority for being invited to participate in the workshop.

In the wake of the workshop, the two associations will take stock of all inputs received for preparing a position paper on the 2030+ European Space Exploration strategy.

Best regards,

SME4SPACE Team, on behalf of ESA


Ansprechpartner: Hans Braquené
E-Mail: info@sme4space.org
Telefon: +32 (0)16 23 95 49