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Schlagwort: Non-dependance

LEA-X5: New Movie on the completion of the European 5m X-band LDRS

Gladly HPS announces with a new 20-minutes-movie the completion of the H2020-development „LEA-X5“, the 5m class European Large Deployable Reflector Subsystem (LDRS) operating in X-band.

The film itself is of course showing recent environmental and deployment tests, but it is mainly about PEOPLE, who are space engineers and space enthusiasts, and what they can achieve with combined powers and brains. These people, together with the enablers European Commission and European Space Agency, are making the achievement of „European Non-dependance“ happen.

LEA-X5 is a full LDRS-Subsystem (lead by HPS, Germany) and comprises the
• 5m diameter X-band reflector assembly (lead by LSS, Germany)
• the 5m long deployable arm assembly (lead by HPS, Germany),
• hinges & HDRMs (RUAG, DE),
• deployment electronics (vH&S, DE),
• thermal hardware (HPS/FHP).

Further partners of the H2020-consortium have been: INVENT (DE), FHP (PT), INEGI (PT), TICRA (DK), LUMA (SW), HPTEX (DE), ARQUIMEA(SP), HPS (RO), ETAMAX (DE), WSS (DE), ONERA (FR), TAS (FR), OHB (DE), Airbus (DE).
Most of the consortium members are introduced in the movie, inluding many interviews.

Take your time and enjoy the spirit of doing big things: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkpjUfyH5KE

Best regards,
Your WeLEA-Consortium


Point of Contact: Dr. Ernst Pfeiffer, CEO
E-Mail: info@hps-gmbh.com
Telephone: +49 (89) 4520576-0